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Parish GIFT Shorts

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Running along similar lines as a Parish GIFT session, the team at Living Youth will produce a series of videos for those involved in the Parish GIFT Programme. This will include Saints, Prayers, different themes, short reflections and Call to Actions that can be completed at home. 

PG Shorts Episode 8 May and Our Mother, Mary

For our eighth episode of Parish GIFT Shorts, we will be looking at Mary as Our Mother within the Month of May. Our reflection is from Sr Marie Doyle of Sisters of St Clare and our Call to Action for you is:

‘During the month of May, pray to Mary, Our Mother more frequently. But let us go one step further and pray for others and their need, such as the charity,

PG Short Episode 7 - Holy Week & Easter

For our seventh episode of Parish GIFT Shorts. There is a special Easter message from Bishop Noel and we will be looking at Holy Week & Easter, and as always we have our Call to Action which is:

‘Go on a Pilgrimage together with your family to visit your Local Church and say the Living Youth Easter Prayer together.’

Living Youth Easter Prayer
‘God, You came, You died, and You rose from the dead – all to save my soul. Your resurrection means I do not have to experience death; my last breath in this world is my entrance into the next. With this knowledge, I ask for the grace to live my life looking forward to eternity. Help me to make every decision with You in mind. Thank you for making me a new creation. I am changed, I am yours, and I am grateful. Amen.’

PG Short Episode 6 - Lent

For our sixth episode of Parish GIFT Shorts, we will be looking at Lent and our Call to Action for you is:

During this season of Lent, find more time to pray. Maybe you could take time to pray silently to God before Mass? Maybe you could preview the upcoming Sunday’s scriptures and find out what the message is? Or you could simply take the time and pray more during your day.

Let us know how you got on with your call to action by emailing us at

PG Short Episode 5 - Christmas

For our fifth episode of Parish GIFT Shorts our theme is Christmas and our Saint of the Week is St Lucy of Syracuse .

Our Call to Action for you this week is:
During this season of Christmas, remind yourself of the true meaning of Christmas, The birth of Jesus Christ and what his life did for our lives. It is easy to get swept away with all the presents and the food but take time this Christmas to pray to Jesus and thank him for the support and guidance that he brings to our lives.

Let us know how you got on with your call to action by emailing us at

PG Short Episode 4 - Advent

For our fourth episode of Parish GIFT Shorts, our Saint of the Week is Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception.

Our Call to Action for you this week is:
During this season of advent, how can you be a sign of hope to others?
Could you write a letter to somebody in a retirement home? Could you promote the work of a local charity during this time? Or could you simply pray for a person and their family during?

Let us know how you got on with your call to action by emailing us at

PG Short Episode 3 - Nature & Our World

For our third episode of Parish GIFT Shorts, our Saint of the Week is Saint Francis of Assisi.

Our Call to Action for you this week is:
Be mindful of our beautiful and precious world around us.
How can you stop waste and reduce water? Recycle materials and turn off lights?

Let us know how you got on with your call to action by emailing us at

PG Short Episode 2 - Social Media & The Internet

For our second episode of Parish GIFT Shorts, our Saint of the Week is Blessed Carlo Acutis.

Our Call to Action for you this week is:
Firstly, be aware of your presence on social media. Be mindful and use it as a platform to connect with your family and friends and cherish them.
Secondly, Pray for Blessed Carlo Acutis.

Let us know how you got on with your call to action by emailing us at

PG Short Episode 1 - All Saints & All Souls

For our first episode of Parish GIFT Shorts, our Saint of the Week is Saint Ignatius of Loyola.

Our Call to Action for you this week is:
Each day pray for our loved ones who are no longer with us. Ask them for their guidance and protection and in return, pray the ‘Eternal Rest, grant on to them’ prayer for their soul.
If you can, add your loved one’s name to a November Dead List in your church.

Let us know how you got on with your call to action by emailing us at

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