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Safeguarding Agreement Form

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Safeguarding information for organisations outside of diocese and school, helping participants of the Pope John Paul II Award


The Pope John Paul II Award values and encourages the participation of young people in activities which allow them to live their faith in Jesus Christ in their parish and wider community. The Award is designed to facilitate involvement in school, parish and community activities.


We are grateful to the many clubs, societies, charities and community projects that help Award participants achieve their Award by facilitating voluntary placements/work experience. We hope these organisations will benefit greatly from the generosity and energy of the young volunteers.


We would appreciate the cooperation of all organisations in ensuring the safety and well-being of all young people who engage in this Award, and in turn with your organisation. To this effect, where activities associated with the Award fall outside the scope of the diocesan/school and Parish Safeguarding Policy, organisations will complete this Pope John Paul II Award Safeguarding Agreement Form and the following procedures will apply:


  • Activities must be named on the Pope John Paul II Award Application & Consent Form and approved by the Pope John Paul II Award Diocesan Committee/Coordinator.

  • Organisations must provide adequate supervision, insurance and a safe environment for Pope John Paul II Award participants. The organisation must be approved by the Pope John Paul II Award Committee (Living Youth) and these organisations will be required to complete the Online Safeguarding Agreement Form verifying that they have adequate safeguarding policies and procedures in place.

  • The Pope John Paul II Award Committee and National Safeguarding Officer will endeavour to approve all organisations named by the Award participant on their application. In signing the Application & Consent Form the parent/guardian is taking overall responsibility for the safety and well-being of the participant during activities that take place outside the scope of the diocesan Safeguarding Policy & Procedures.

  • All approved organisations for the Living Youth Pope John Paul II Award are available at 







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